Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bread and Cupcakes

So a few weeks ago, I made some Milk Bread in the bread machine. Well I normally make a 2lb loaf. I decided that since I wasn't sure what it would taste like, I made a smaller loaf. This is why I make large loafs


I didn't do anything to this, I just dumped it out on the cooling rack. It only mixed on one side of the pan. But the bread itself wasn't bad.

Here are some St. Patty's Day Cupcakes

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes

So today I decided to make some Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes and some Key Lime Pie Cupcakes.

I first made the blackberry ones and it called for blackberry puree, so I blended one box of blackberries and put it through the fine mesh sieve. That wasn't working, so I used some cheesecloth-which look really gross coming through.  I bought 2 boxes of blackberries because I love them. Well it took a little more than 1 box to get the right amount. And I used the rest in the frosting and as a garnish.

They turned out delicious. They all kinda dipped in in the middle which bummed me out.



Then I went to make the Key lime pie cupcakes. As I was putting the last egg in, the top part of the shell fell into the mix while the mixer was mixing.  So I gave up. I'm going to try again tomorrow. I needed to use the oven to make the brisket for dinner.

Don't those look scrumptious!

I made some funfetti cupcakes last night, but they came from a  box and I didn't try any. One of the ladies who works for Mike bought me some spring sprinkles at the market.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Cupcakes

We've got pumpkin spice cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting....


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(and I was trying out my new decorating tip)


Vanilla cupcakes with brown sugar swiss meringue buttercream and holiday sprinkles :)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cookies, Apples, Bread, Oh My

Today was a busy day in the bakery known as my kitchen.

First we have some cookies n cream cupcakes, only I made some swiss meringue buttercream frosting and added cookie pieces. Now, I don't actually like Oreo cookies. The cream freaks me out. So for the frosting, I scraped off all the middles of the oreos and just crushed up the cookie part. Lindsey (our neighbor) had brought me some cookies from Wegmans, so I used those


I put one half of the cookie in the bottom of each cupcake liner



Next up were some Applie Pie Cupcakes. I put a little dap of SWBC, but I think when I make these for Thanksgiving, I'm going to put whip cream.



These cupcakes are filled using the cone method. Here's a cupcake missing it's cone.


Filled and ready to eat



And I discovered a website last night totally devoted to bread. Could life get any better. They probably had a recipe for Challah bread on there, but I got out my bread machine recipes and decided to make Challah bread. I've never had it nor had a reason to make it, but I felt like being adventurous. Although, if that is my definition of adventure, I lead a sad life.

Anyways, here is my first try at Challah bread. Other than over-flouring my work space, it turned out pretty good.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Teddy Bear Beach Day

I made some chocolate cupcakes..delicious..and decorated them to look like a beach scene. Complete with sand and inner tubes




He is sticking his toes in the water


Pile of inner tubes and a bear laying out-although he looks dead. I though after I stuck him on that he needed a beach towelIMG_4265

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Honey Oatmeal Bread

I made this from the Kitchen-Aid mixer cookbook. I've never made bread outside of the bread machine. I started to make the recipe and realized that I was short 1 egg white for the egg wash pre-baking. My totally awesome, rocks-my-world-husband volunteered to go to the grocery store to get me some eggs.

As the bread is rising on the stovetop the doorbell rings. Our neighbor-Jimmy of the J cupcake-brought us a cartoon of eggs so I can make them some more cupcakes. He got them free at Wegman's-they just opened here. So now I have 24 eggs :). I'm on the search for some cupcake recipes to make for them. He told me that he would be my taste-tester.


Our oven works quickly so the bread was a little crisp. I froze one loaf and enjoyed the other..mmmmm...delicious

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Vanilla Cupcakes with SMBC Frosting

Saturday night I made some vanilla cupcakes using a recipe from the Magnolia bakery. I made some vanilla swiss meringue buttercream frosting using this recipe.

The cupcakes are delicious-although I may be biased. But since I generally don't like vanilla cake, I would eat these. Which is why I'm giving some away-or I would eat them all. I took our neighbor two cupcakes-one for him and one for his wife. I put jelly beans on them, but apparently that distracted from the texture of the frosting and cupcake.

Flower for Lindsey


J for Jimmy


I am going to be using the people at Mike's office as my taste testers, so I decorated the cupcakes for them. He works at Verizon. Unfortunately, I made the "red" icing before I realized that most of the VZ logo is black. Oh well. And I couldn't get the icing red, so it's a dark pinkish color. You can see Gumby's legs on the cbainet handle. Mike stuck him there to watch over things in the kitchen


See the Z goes under the letters, like the logo :)IMG_4248

They aren't the prettiest cupcakes, but they were fun to make. Next up.. Honey Oatmeal Bread and some fall inspired cupcakes